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Peking University School of Arts Ph.D. Program Application Instructions

From 2020, Peking University’s School of Arts is open to international students who wish to study in China to pursue doctoral degrees in Art Theory. Applicants will be evaluated by several combined qualities. The details of the program are as follows:


1. About the Program

This four-year Ph.D. program is intended to have 10 international students by Fall 2020. Our program meets the needs of students who want to pursue advanced studies and research in the field of Theory of Art History. For details, please refer to the Peking University International Student Admissions Directory.


2. Program Information

  1. Full-time registration required;
  2. Four-year Program;
  3. Language of Instruction: English.


3. Admissions Requirements

  1. Applicants must be citizens or permanent residents of countries other than China, have valid passports, be in good health, and behave in a proper manner. Meanwhile, applicants should abide by the laws and regulations of the Chinese government, and also by the rules of the university.
  2. Applicants must hold a master’s degree.
  3. Applicants must demonstrate good academic performance. Meanwhile, applicants must meet the English Proficiency Requirements set by the program.
  4. Applicants must be in good health, and meet the prescribed physical examination standards.


4. Application Timeline

Please refer to http://www.isd.pku.edu.cn/info/1211/1131.htm for details.


5. Steps of Application

Please refer to http://www.isd.pku.edu.cn/info/1211/1131.htm for details.


6. Submit Application Materials

  1. Online Application Form.

Please log in on Online Application System for International Students of Peking University (http://www.studyatpku.com) to start your application. When completed, print out the Online Application Form, then paste a recent photo of yourself on it (the photo must be recently taken and bear an identifiable resemblance to the applicant).

  1. Original or notarized copy of your highest Certificate of Degree (in either Chinese or English).
  2. Original or notarized copy of your Official Transcripts (in either Chinese or English).
  3. Statement of Purpose (includes your research interests and plans), with no less than 3000 words. The format is available at http://www.isd.pku.edu.cn/
  4. 2 letters of Reference. Your recommenders must be Professors. The format is available at http://www.isd.pku.edu.cn/
  5. English Proficiency Requirements.
    1. For Native English speakers, and applicants who completed college education in a country where the language of instruction was entirely in English, no English Proficiency is required.
    2. For Non-Native English speakers, English Proficiency must be demonstrated by submitting official test scores of either TOEFL or IELTS. Minimum Scores: TOEFL: 100. IELTS (Academic Test): 7.0.
  6. Master’s thesis
  7. Copy of the main passport page (should be clearly legible). Please also make sure your passport is valid.
  8. Your published research papers (we only require the Abstract and Table Content part), and other academic output of yours (if available).


NOTE: ALL the documents are submitted in duplicate (with one original and one copy).

Please send all required documentation in person to International Student Office by deadlines. If you choose to mail the documents, put all the documentation in one sealed envelope, indicating “Graduate Application Materials” on the envelope (Application materials will not be returned).


7. Application Fees

Please refer to http://www.isd.pku.edu.cn/info/1211/1131.htm for details.


8. Departmental Preliminary Review

The International Student Office will first go through the documentation provided by applicants to assure they meet the standards set by the program. Then, the application documents of qualified applicants will be transferred to the Academic Affairs Office of the School of Arts by March 1, 2020.

The admission decisions are made by the Admissions Committee of the School of Arts. All the documentation is carefully and thoughtfully reviewed by the committee, using a combination of criteria, such as the applicant’s undergraduate and graduate schools, major, academic level, morality and development potential in the applied professional field. After careful consideration, the committee identifies applicants who will be in the final review.


9. Departmental Final Review

In March or April of each year, the School of Arts will conduct a final review. In the final review, the Admissions Committee of the School of Arts conducts a comprehensive assessment of the professional level and language ability of the applicants. Applicants should do an oral presentation to the committee members about their academic research experiences, their understanding and opinions on the applied program, and their plans regarding the upcoming studies and research works.

Based on the results of both the preliminary and the final reviews, the Admissions Committee identifies and recommends top applicants, then submits the preliminary decision to the Graduate School Admissions Office for further review.


10. Admission Decisions

  1. The final admission decision will be announced by the International Student Office.
  2. The International Student Office will start to send off documentations such as admission letter and visa application forms to admitted applicants in late June 2020.


11. Academic Calendar

Admitted students are supposed to register for courses at the beginning of September 2020. The registration dates and deadlines will be indicated on the admission letter. Accepted students must come to Peking University to complete registration in strict accordance with the dates specified in the admission letter.


12. Tuitions and Fees

The tuition fee is ¥50,000 per year, ¥200,000 in total. The Students are required to pay tuition fees at the beginning of each academic year right after registration. Those who do not pay the tuition fees or do not pay fees in full will not be admitted or registered.


13. Awarding of the Degree

To get your degree awarded, you are supposed to complete all the graduate credit coursework indicated in your “Training Plan” with qualified grades, complete your dissertation, and pass the oral defense of dissertation. After the review and approval of the Degree Assessment Committee of Peking University, the corresponding degree is awarded.





Peking University School of Arts


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