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Peking University Boya Postdoctoral Fellowship Call for Applications 2020

来源:   作者:   时间:2019-12-17

Founded in 1898, Peking University was initially named as the Imperial University of Peking, whose establishment marked the threshold of modern Chinese higher education. Now with a community of over 40, 000 students, faculty members and staff from a variety of cultural backgrounds, Peking University has become a vibrant and internationalized institution in promoting teaching and academic studies.

Boya Postdoctoral Fellowship, initiated by Peking University in 2016, aims at drawing prospective young talents all over the world to conduct postdoctoral research and pursue academic excellence at Peking University, Beijing, China. It offers young researchers opportunities to conduct research in diverse branches of learning such as natural sciences, social sciences, humanities, economy and management, information and engineering, and interdisciplines.




In the academic year of 2020, no more than 200 postdoctoral fellowships will be awarded to highly qualified, early-career postdoctoral researchers. Each Fellowship is awarded for 24 consecutive months. Each Fellowship includes annual salary185,000RMB, social insurances and housing subsidies, etc 91,000RMB, and 60,000RMB subsidy for postdocs with no postdoc flats. Postdoctoral Supervisors at Peking University may offer extra subsidy based on the applicants’ academic potential and excellence, and performance.


Eligibility and Evaluation Criteria


The fellowship is open to highly qualified researchers of all nationalities who are no more than 35 years old and received their PhD no more than three years prior to the deadlines of the corresponding calls, as is instructed below. Researchers holding a tenure or tenure-track faculty position are not eligible to apply.

Selection is based on the applicant’s education backgrounds, academic excellence, quality of the proposed research project, compelling demonstration of the anticipated synergy of the proposed research project and the host institution, recommendation, and the commitment of postdoctoral supervisor at Peking University.  Excellent research proposal should include information on how the project will benefit from the research environments of Peking University.



The applicants must identify one faculty member at Peking University who will serve as a postdoctoral supervisor and get his/her written endorsement. The number of the fellowships is limited to no more than 200 for 2020 academic year and will be awarded through two rounds of application and selection in 2020. No more than 140 fellowships will be awarded for the first round and no more than 60 fellowships will be awarded for the second round.


Time Table

Round One:

 December 16, 2019 to April 15, 2020: call for applications.

April 28, 2020: preliminary evaluation decisions by schools, departments, institutes or Centers of Peking University

Late May, 2019: publicity period and final award decisions

 Round Two:

September 1 to October 15, 2020: call for applications.

November 1, 2020: preliminary evaluation decisions by schools, departments, institutes or Centers of Peking University

Late November, 2020: publicity period and final award decisions


Application Materials

All application documents must be prepared in Chinese or English and include the following: 


Application Form of Peking University Boya Postdoctoral Fellowship(see the attached document);

Two recommendation letters (including one from the applicant’s doctoral supervisor), the letters should be sent to the corresponding coordinators(see the table below) directly by the referees;

One explicit endorsement letter by the postdoc supervisor at Peking University including the applicant’s academic backgrounds, research potential and achievements, and comprehensive qualifications, detailed information on the added value for the research project and a clear statement of commitment regarding the physical and intellectual research environment that the supervisor will provide to the fellow.


Application Deadlines

Round One: April 15, 2020

Round Two: October 15, 2020



The complete application should be saved as one file in pdf format. Please submit it by email to the corresponding coordinator (see tables below) in postdoctoral supervisor’s schools, departments, institutes and centers. Incomplete submissions will not be considered.

Postdoctoral Affairs officeSchool of Arts of Peking University


Li Tingting (Ms)  




More Information:

  1. Please direct all further inquiries to the coordinators listed in the tables above.
  2. If the applicant is awarded both China National Postdoctoral Fellowship and Boya Postdoctoral Fellowship, he/she will be taken as China National Postdoctoral Fellowship awardee and be subsided by China National Postdoctoral fellowship, and he/she will also be awarded the title: “PKU’s Boya Postdoctoral Fellow” upon his/her registration at Peking University.
  3. All postdoctoral fellows have to register at the Office of China National Postdoctoral Affairs Management Committee to have access to China’s national postdoctoral funds and other special privileges.
  4. International postdoctoral fellows will have to sign an agreement with Peking University to initiate the visa application procedure before conducting their postdoctoral research at PKU.
  5. Postdocs registered at Peking University may apply for Boya Postdoctoral Fellowship if the termination date of his/her contract is no more than six months prior to the deadlines of the corresponding rounds.
  6. For postdoctoral registration at Peking University, please visit:https://postdocs.pku.edu.cn/bshyw/jzsq/26218.htm

  Attachment Peking University Boya Postdoctoral Fellowship application form

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